spreading God’s LIGHT

I’ve always been equal parts religious and spiritual. I go to church on Sundays and say my prayers nightly before drifting off to sleep. But recently, I felt called to do more. To not only worship in my own heart and spirit, but to share it outwardly.

One night, I was woken from sleep at 2 a.m. with a vision: beautiful beaded braces that capture God’s word through bible verses. I immediately pulled out my phone and began frantically typing in my notes the ideas that were suddenly swirling through my head.

That night, Heart Racing Dream Chasing Designs was born. That morning, I did my research to figure out how I was going to pull this off. While I love arts and crafts, I’ve never dabbled in jewelry making before. I make a list and zipped up to Hobby Lobby to purchase my materials.

And then, I got to work. I felt God guiding my fingers as I carefully built my first bracelet. And then my second. And my third. And once I shared my designs on social media, the orders began rolling in. And my heart feels so full.

I’m charging $10/bracelet. But let’s face it. This isn’t about making money. It’s about spreading God’s light. I hope every bracelet I create begins a conversation. At the very least, I hope it gives hope and strength to the person wearing it. We are not walking alone.

John 1:5 was the inspiration behind it all, even as this idea was manifested in my sleep.

*The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.*

To order a custom bracelet:

  • Email HeartRacingDreamChasing@gmail.com
  • Include the bible verse + color scheme for your bracelet
  • Indicate if this is for a man, woman or child
  • Accepting Venmo or cash – $10/bracelet
  • Will ship free

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